Going into this I was a little sceptical. Really, 20 years later and they are doing a concert tour again? These guys are old...can they still do this? Well, let me tell you...OH YES THEY CAN! (and people were actually still throwing their bras onstage!) I couldn't believe how much fun I had! They looked like they were still in good shape and sounded great! I thought they would just cover the big songs they had, but surprisingly, they did so many old songs that I forgot about. It was like riding a bike, I somehow remembered all the words. :) Sooo fun!
Oh Oh oh OOOOHHHH, The Right Stuff :) Still kickin all the old school dance moves!
One of their new Songs "Single"
They moved to the back of the arena on the rotating platform, so we got a much better view
I'll be loving you forever...no really, that's the name of the song aahhh Jordan, still as wonderful as ever!
"I'll be lovin you Forever"
...and of course, Hangin Tough!
1 comment:
honey, you are too young to be all googoo over NKOTB, and if you aren't then you are just tooo darn cute to be my age. So either way, I must despise you! JK, I soooo love me some Jordan.
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