Well, this poor little boy has begun the wonderful experience of teething! Yay! He is such a sweet happy boy, and he doesn't seem to be doing too bad so far. He is slightly more irritable than usual, mostly in the evening. He is drooling everywhere and anything he can get his hands on goes right in this mouth. He wants nothing to do with those teething rings. So far what has worked is an ice cube wrapped in a wash cloth. Who knew? I know we have many months ahead of us, but I hope they don't push through for a while. AAAWWW poor guy!
Chomping on one of Charlotte's teething biscuits...not sure about these?
1 comment:
Hi Sara
Cute new pictures! Bryce is such a cutie! Have you ever seen those mesh bags with a little handle on it? Made by Gerber I think? The other day my friend had a ice cube in it for her daughter how is teething. I thought that was a great idea! I wish I had thought of that. The ice cube cant come out because it is locked into the mesh bag.
Thanks again for coming on Saturday. I love your new blog template!!
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