Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.
It's been a while since my last "Not Me" post, and that is not because I'm an amazing mother/wife and haven't done anything embarrassing, or inappropriate, I'm just that lazy and didn't want to think back and write about my mishaps.
This weekend, I did not spend my very first night away from my NINE MONTH old. Dan and I did not stay out until almost 2:00 in the morning rather than getting a full night's rest so we could be refreshed the next morning and spend quality time with our son like good parents. Before going to bed, I did not walk by Bryce's room and peek in out of habit to find a dark quiet room and start crying. Nope, not me.
After our black tie awards banquet that same night, I did not go back to the car and change out of my gown and heels into jeans and snow boots in the back seat- on top of a car seat- so we could go to the bar and stuff our face full of fried food at 1:00 in the morning. I most certainly did not misplace my underwear during the fiasco and go commando because it was freezing in the car and I just wanted to hurry up and eat. I did not find the misplaced pair of underwear in my coat pocket when I was at church on Sunday, and proceed to walk around all day with them still in my pocket.
Saturday night, I did not spend 3 solid hours on the couch after Bryce went to bed catching up on Grey's Anatomy, Private Practice, then Desperate Housewives because they were showing this week's episodes. Then I did not eat almost 1/2 a loaf of Amish Friendship Bread covered in tons of Butter. (Yum)
I never use Bryce's nap times to sit on my computer reading emails, blogs, and facebook. No, instead I use that valuable time to workout, clean the house, do laundry and make my grocery list for the week. I am always using my time efficiently and doing my household duties every minute that I can.
mmmm bread with butter....my favorite.
Great Not Mes!
BTW you spell your name correctly :)
I'm a Sara too.
Great not me monday, I thought your not me's were very amusing
I was also wondering if you would like to take part in tribute tuesday. It is a chance to tell some one that you are thankful for them in your life by paying them tribute.
Tribute tuesday also has a mr linky so the world can see your tribute to the person that light up your life.
LOL about your missing underwear!! That is funny! But why did you need to remove them in the first place. Well...nevermind. Its just so funny you found them while in church!
I love reading you "not me Mondays"
Ok, I should have explained that differently. I got ready at Dan's sister's house b/c she was watching Bryce for us...I had a satin dress on that showed EVERYTHING, so I couldn't wear the comfy kind. When I was changing, I must have put them in my pocket at her house??? I really don't know why?
SHUT UP! (and I mean that in the nicest sense) But SHUT UP! You did not find your undies in your pocket at church!!!! YOu are totally my official new best friend.
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