October 7, 2010

Our Fun Fall Family Festivities

This week has been *THE* perfect fall weather.  Blue sky, mid 60's...beautiful, beautiful, beautiful.  A friend and I brought the kids to Klackle Orchard to play, eat yummy donuts, and get pumpkins.  I'm pretty sure this is Bryce's new favorite place. 
Getting him to leave the giant sandbox with 856 trucks was like pulling teeth.  This was all he wanted to do.

Eventually I was able to get him away from the sandbox once he realized he could go for a tractor ride.  These were the spiffy carriages we got to cruise around in. 
 The pumpkin carriage stopped for apple picking...but we opted to sit and eat donuts instead.  {and I'm not sure why Bryce has a "Popeye" eye??
 Bryce's Pumpkin...check.
 Sydney's Pumpkin...check.
 Fall photo op.........check!  Man, are these the two cutest kids in the world or what?  {ok, I know, I'm a bit bias}

 I'm not sure what happened today, but somehow, my children were extremely well behaved, no meltdowns occurred, and a good time was had by all. 

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