May 15, 2009

Note to Husband

Dearest Husband,

While I find it sweet that you are concerned to wake up and find me missing from our bed at 5:30 am, please do not come and find me. The reason I am not there is because If I had to listen to your loud obnoxious snoring one more second, I may have smothered you with my pillow. Being the bigger person (figuratively, not literally), I decided not to repeatedly kick you and pound on you to wake you up and stop the snoring, only to have you roll over and start back up again. This is not the first time it's happened, so you know why I was gone. I know you have been a little under the weather and needed rest.

However darling, I also need rest, so had you not come and woken me at 5:30, I could have at least gotten another 45 minutes of peaceful sleep before our sweet child awoke at 6:15. Instead I came back to our bed to hear your alarm clock go off, the toilet flush, the shower turn on, your "interesting throat clearing" noises, your breakfast clanking down in the kitchen, all while trying to get back to sleep. I don't ask for much (ok, we both know that's a lie), but if you could just let me sleep, which ever room that may be in, we will be a much happier people. Love you.


Heidi said...

Amen! Next time hit & kick! Works for me.

Anonymous said...

It's scary how much our lives mirror one another...

Sara said...

hahaha!! Next time try rolling over with enough force to shake the bed and wake him. He won't know you're the one that woke him. Don't tell Adam my secret! I just tell him his own snoring wakes him up. He totally believes me!

The Clack Family said...

Ha Micah snores sooo loud. When he does, I usually plug is noes and then he usually abruptly wakes up and says " what are you doing.. i couldn't breathe" to which I respond well I am sorry you couldn't breathe... I couldn't sleep because you were breathing. hahahahahahahaha! They he usually rolls over says sorry and goes back to bed... it often takes him about 10 mins to get back to snoring so I try to fall alseep during those 10 mins! :) Anyway, thanks for the super good laugh tonight! :) You crack me up!