May 10, 2011

Best Day EVER!

To say that I was excited about going to the Kenny Chesney concert would be an understatement.  There are no words to describe the pure elation that I was feeling.  Could it have been the beautiful and unexpected weather?  Maybe.  Could it have been the fact that my AMAZING sister in law took my kids overnight?  Perhaps.  Could it have been the massive amounts of margarita I consumed on the deck during our pre-party?  Very likely.  Could it have been that I was surrounded by tons of my favorite family and friends?  Absolutely.  Whatever the reason, the day was perfect.
Our good friends Paul and Heather came over before the concert.  We joked about how we've been friends for almost 8 years and we have no pictures together???  This disappointing fact prompted our faux prom mini photo shoot.
We finally made it downtown and grabbed our drinks seats at the concert.  Not the greatest seats, but no gets better as the night goes on.

The opening acts:
My sole reason for know, after my husband and children.
The rest of the family had seats a few sections away, and realized there was a huge area of seats unoccupied and were given the "ok" to move down and sit there.  We quickly moved and had the most amazing view!!!

Kenny was even nice enough to pose for a quick picture with me!
Heather and I kept saying "he's RIGHT there".  You would think this was my first Kenny Concert!!  (I think I'm on number 4 or 5??)  Never gets old.
Yes, we are a tad sweaty.  We were rocking it out.
My sisters and cousins. :)
Can you watch this video and not get excited???
This was seriously the most fun I've had in a long time.  So happy everyone was able to make it to Grand Rapids to hang with us and celebrate Bryce's birthday on Sunday.  (pictures to come.)

1 comment:

Tara Willman said...

I LOVE this!!! It truly was the BEST day EVER <3 :)