June 5, 2010


Often times I find myself "blog surfing" and drooling over the awesomeness of other's photos, or cute blog layouts and it got me thinking.  Since I just got my new Photoshop Elements, I thought...Hey!  I can make my own design!  So I did!  {I'm still working on the awesomeness of my own photos, but I need a new camera first}

Also, I was determined to find out how everyone was posting those super huge photos???  Why couldn't I do that in blogger???  Well, because I had the wrong template!  So...Ta Da!  Here is my new layout!  I will  probably be doing some tweaking, but here is the {almost} finished makeover.  Thanks for looking =)

Here is one of those super huge photos I was talking about!  I'm more interested in using this size for collages and such, but since I just figured it out...Yay!  Isn't she adorable!

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